
Land for sale 3973 m²

INW25390 10174023
500 000 PLN
Price m²: 125,85 PLN

A large 3973m2 plot for sale, beautifully located on the Wolin Island in the village of Rekowo with direct access to the Koprowo lake, approx. 4 km from the sea beach in Międzywodzie. Purpose of the plot in accordance with the current spatial development plan for single-family housing – construction or recreational with year-round residence. Electric box on the plot. An ideal offer for people looking for a quiet place surrounded by nature, and at the same time close to the sea beach in Międzywodzie and with direct access to Lake Koprowo, which has an area of approx. 500 ha and a depth of a little over 3 m, it is ideal for water sports and fishing. Very calm and quiet neighborhood.
New single-family homes have already been built in the area.
An offer worth recommending.
I invite you to the presentation.

Price m²
Price m²
Ground ownership type
Lot area
3973 m²
Lot destination
Residential building
Lot shape
Driveway type
Country road
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