
Land for sale 3745 m²

ATL00732 10177566
823 900 PLN
Price m²: 220,00 PLN

The sales offer very attractive industrial plots, located on the section Skarbimierzyce – Lubieszyn. Area of ​​the plots ranges from 3745m2 to 6619m2. These areas are Class IV and V. At the moment, the plots are no zoning, but on adjacent plots conditions provide for 50% of the building. At present on neighboring lots it is planned manufacturing activity. Plots are not armed, and gasworks obtained a building permit and gasified all parcels. Enea is in the process distributing electrical installation. Sewer: signed an agreement with the Municipality of Good on the implementation of plumbing. Projects sewer, water, entry of the national road and the road project completed. The ability to purchase plots of land at a price net of tax or vat. To the land price does not include participation by the 130 zł / m2 + vat. I invite you!!!

Price m²
Price m²
Ground ownership type
Lot area
3745 m²
Lot destination
Industrial land
Lot shape
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