
Land for sale 700 m²

PTR25534 10207827
200 000 PLN
Price m²: 285,71 PLN

A construction plot for sale at Lake Woświn with an area of 700 m2, in Tucze, located 39 km from Stargard, 1 hour by car from Szczecin. * Area of the offered plot: 700 m2 with direct access to Lake Woświn via an internal road. The distance of the plot from the lake is approx. 20 m. Purpose of the plot: Construction of a single-family residential building in a detached building with an adjacent garage * Development conditions have been issued for the plot. parameters and indicators of the development of the building plot: a) impassable building line at a distance of: – 6 m from the border with the road plot in accordance with the graphic annex to the decision (the impassable building line should be understood as a line marking the maximum permissible approximation of the front wall of the designed building / building structure), without the right to cross it, with the exception of balconies, bay windows, cornices, roof eaves, external stairs, etc.), b) development area up to 130 m2, share of biologically active area in the plot area not less than 45%, c) width of the front façade: up to 20 m, d) maximum height of the upper edge of the front facade, its cornice, attic or eaves of the main roof, calculated from the average ground level in front of the main entrance to the building: 4.5 m, e) roof geometry: – multi-slope roof, angle of inclination: from 18 "up to 45", maximum height of the main ridge: 9 m, roof slope arrangement: steep roof, direction of the main roof ridge in relation to the front of the plot: parallel or perpendicular; services in the field of technical infrastructure and communication: a) method of water supply: from your own source, b) method of electricity supply: on the terms of the network operator, c) method of heat energy supply: from your own source, d) method of sewage disposal: discharging sewage into a tight, septic tank, ultimately to the sanitary sewage system after its construction, e) method of discharging rainwater or meltwater: to own unpaved area; it is prohibited to change the natural flow of rainwater and meltwater in order to direct it to neighboring properties, f) waste management method: in accordance with separate regulations, g) access to a public road: exit from the municipal-public road through an internal access plot; each newly designed road exit should be agreed with its manager, h) required number of parking spaces: provide at least 2 parking spaces for passenger cars for each residential unit within the plot boundaries – however, the required number of parking spaces may include the number of parking spaces in the garage ; * Surroundings: – Lake – Shops – Bicycle path to Stargard * Utilities – electricity at the plot. From the plot there is a descent and a view of the lake. From a private access road, there is direct access to Lake Woświn. A plot for people who value peace and quiet. I recommend it due to the location and price. I cordially invite you to the presentation.

Price m²
Price m²
Ground ownership type
Lot area
700 m²
Lot destination
Residential building
Lot shape
Driveway type
Gravel road
Water intake
Sewerage type
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