
House for sale 150 m²

ELT32987 10173746
960 000 PLN
Price m²: 6 400,00 PLN

A semi-detached house for sale in Dołuje. Two-story property in developer's standard, with an area of approx. 150 m2 (usable area approx. 122 m2) GROUND FLOOR – total area 80.26 m2 – living room 29.22 m2 – kitchen 7.62 m2 – bathroom 3.53 m2 – vestibule 4.45 m2 – hall 5.96 m2 – stairs 5.40 m2 – boiler room 5.49 m2 – garage 18.59 m2 FLOOR – total area 61.19 m2 – hall 4.76 m2 – room 14.03 m2 – room 13.11 m2 – room 10.54 m2 – room 12.41 m2 – bathroom 6, 34 m2 – Additionally, an attic of approx. 40 m2. The garage with an area of 18.59 m2 is located in the building with direct entrance to the house. Parking spaces in front of the building. Access to the garden directly from the living room. Heating and hot water based on the NIBE AMS 10-6 heat pump with an air-powered internal unit. There is underfloor heating throughout the premises. Anthracite colored windows. Insulation of external walls, 20 cm polystyrene. I will provide more information by phone and during the presentation. I invite you to the presentation!

Price m²
6 400,00
Ownership type
Total area
150 m²
Usable area
122.38 m²
Price m²
No. of rooms
Number of floors
Building condition
Very good
Very good
Kitchen type
Lot area
400 m²
Driveway type
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