
Land for sale 3597 m²

UBR22884 10178832
599 000 PLN
Price m²: 166,53 PLN

For sale an industrial plot with a building permit and a project for the construction of a warehouse with an office part.
A partial replacement of the ground was made on the plot, enabling the implementation of the project in the form of the above-mentioned warehouse.

Plot area 3597 m2
The building area of the warehouse hall with the office and social part – 1756.60 m2
Surface of paved areas 1168 m2
Biologically active area 672.40 m2

Basic technical data after expansion:

Ground floor – area usable – 82.20 m2
Floor – area usable -90.70 m2

The two warehouse halls are one-story, single-nave rooms with a single-body reinforced concrete frame structure, encased in sandwich panels, with a gable roof with an inclination of 4 and 15 degrees, covered with sandwich panels.

The hall is a structure with dimensions in the structural axes every 5.59 m and 6 m and a maximum external height of 7.60 m (attic) and 9.78 m.

The hall is set on foundation footings.
1) A smaller hall with an area of 599.75 m2
2) Larger hall with an area of 1019.35 m2

The price of the presented property will be increased by the tax due (VAT 23%)
and does not require the payment of PCC and brokerage costs.

Feel free to contact us in our investor-friendly zone!

In the heart of Europe, we have prepared the perfect place for your Business.

Goleniów Industrial Park is a place favorable to investors on the shortest route connecting Western and Eastern Europe, only 32 km from the Capital of Western Pomerania – Szczecin.
This is where companies that achieve real success are born.

Here are some examples:
STOK EMBALLERING POLAND SP. Z OO In 2006, the dynamic development of the company was noticed and awarded with the Business Gazelle, and a year later
the Cheetah rushed after the Gazelle. In 2009, the company was awarded the prestigious Forbes Diamond.
The DANCOALSP.Z OO company also receives the title of Business Gazelle of the Puls Biznesu monthly every year dynamic development has been appreciated by the Forbes monthly
and the company in January 2015 received the Forbes Diamond title for taking 1st place in the Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeship and 34th place in Poland
in the ranking of companies with revenues of PLN 50-250 million
In 2015 and 2017, Abena Polska was recognized by the Forbes monthly. The company was awarded the Forbes Diamond title in the Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeship, in the category of companies with revenues of PLN 5-50 million. Abena Polska also received a distinction from the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Poland for its activities in the territory of the Republic of Poland.

• in the heart of Europe
close to Western Europe
• close to Scandinavia
• close to the Baltic Sea
• on the shortest route connecting the west
and Eastern Europe (E-28)
•on the shortest route connecting the Nordic countries
with Central and Southern Europe (E-65, E-59)
Direct connection to the European motorway network and key distances:
• 204 km from Berlin Tegel intercontinental airport
• 15 km from the Szczecin-Goleniów International Airport
• 70 km from the seaport – Świnoujście – connections to Sweden
•4 km from the railway

Special economic zone – (35 ha) offers:
• direct access from the highway with the possibility of transporting large dimensions
• full utilities from the water supply network, sanitary sewage system, electricity, gas – are located at the border of the plot in ul. straight
• free public transport
Already 50 domestic and foreign investors have completed investments here and used the useful advantages of this location.
The property is located by the asphalt road – plot of the area. approx. 3597 m2 has a convenient entrance to the plot indirectly from the main asphalt road at ul. Side
Regular shape of the plot – partly fenced
The offer is addressed to natural persons running a business or legal persons.

The plot is covered by the Local Development Plan as a 5P unit, for which the basic purpose is provided:
1) production facilities, storage and warehousing facilities;
2) wholesale trade facilities;
3) transport and reloading and construction bases;
4) research, technology and logistics centers;
5) facilities using renewable energy sources together with accompanying buildings functionally related to the basic purpose, including buildings with photovoltaic systems with a capacity not exceeding 100kW;
6) car washes, petrol stations;
7) administrative and social buildings;
2. For the areas referred to in paragraph 1, supplementary uses are allowed:
1) communication facilities and services;
2) services accompanying the basic function;
3) gatehouses;
4) access roads with a minimum width of 8 m;
5) technical infrastructure networks and devices;
6) parking spaces, car parks, bus shelters;
7) greenery, including greenery arranged with small architecture and ornamental plant breeding;
8) retention and fire reservoirs as well as watercourses and drainage ditches

Price m²
Price m²
Ground ownership type
Lot area
3597 m²
Lot destination
Lot shape
Driveway type
Country road
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