
Land for sale 49576 m²

ATL02228 10177785
10 906 720 PLN
Price m²: 220,00 PLN

Industrial plot for sale with an area of 49 576 m2. The area is included in the spatial development plan, the symbol of the area 9-ZCH 20 PU according to which: – building area max. 80% of the plot area, – biologically active area min. 10% of the plot area, – building height 50 m for buildings, max 200 m for buildings. Plot of land directly on the road, street. All utilities, water, sewage, gas, electricity are available. Partly paved area, excellent access from two sides of the plots. Plot in the immediate vicinity of Zakłady Chemiczne Police, a new investment of Polimers. In the vicinity of the sea port http://www.portpolice.pl/ where there is a possibility of transport by water, the property has direct access to the logistic route connecting the newly built Police-Święta crossing. The plot is fenced. Price per m2 269.08 m2, 23% VAT should be added to the price

Price m²
Price m²
Ground ownership type
Perpetual use
Lot area
49576 m²
Lot destination
Industrial land
Driveway type
Water intake
Urban in way
Sewerage type
Urban in way
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