
Land for sale 7837 m²

Jezierzyce, Zachodniopomorskie
ATL01428 10177593
500 000 PLN
Price m²: 54,23 PLN

We offer plots for sale in Jezierzyce at Mostowa Street. Jezierzyce is a part of Szczecin in the Płonia-Śmierdnica-Jezierzyce estate, approx. 20 km from the center of Szczecin. This district is located near Lake Miedwie (30 minutes by car). Communication with other districts is provided by the bus line No. 72 and 79, which has its terminus in the estate. The area of the entire property is 7837m2, on which it is possible to separate smaller plots. It is an ideal offer for developers. This place has two access roads – through Mostowa Street from the side of the district center and a side road leading through the forest. The land has a land class of R IV. This place does not have a spatial development plan issued. A forest, small houses and a stream add to the atmosphere of the whole space. I heartily recommend it due to its location

Price m²
Price m²
Ground ownership type
Lot area
7837 m²
Lot shape
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