
Land for sale

ATL01380 10159430
280 PLN

For sale plot in a quiet part of Mierzyn! The place has a great location with many amenities: kindergartens (private and public), schools, public transport lines, shops, post office, clinics and a dental clinic. Access to the center of Szczecin in not all 20 minutes! There is only 8 km to the border crossing in Lubieszyn, and the distance to Kołbaskowo is only 14 km! These plots are agricultural land (IV), without building conditions, but there is no major problem in obtaining them. The plots have areas ranging from 482m2 to 1953 m2. The plots have water, sewerage and electricity connections. To be able to use water and canalization, you must sign a contract with ZWiK Osówek. Regarding gas, the construction of the gas pipeline is to start in June 2019. The price per meter is PLN 280. I invite you to the presentation!

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