
Commercial space for sale 138 m²

Centrum, Zachodniopomorskie
LOK02153 10175100
350 000 PLN
Price m²: 2 536,23 PLN
Administrative rent: 2000 PLN

CITY CENTER – A commercial premises with an area of 138 m 2, located in the city center. The restaurant is located on the ground floor, which is accessed from the O level by wide, comfortable stairs. An additional 120 m 2 belongs to the premises as a share in common areas / ho ll on the ground floor and stairs /. It is perfect for OFFICES, CHANCELERY, HAIRDRESSING ROOM, COSMETIC ROOMS, BIOLOGICAL RENEWAL SALON, PHYSICOTHERAPY ROOMS, DOCTOR'S OFFICES, / the height of the rooms is 2.8 to 3.5 m / .. There are 2 large rooms on the surface of 138 m2, bar, office, social and utility rooms, storage room. There are two entrances to the premises: one from the street through the hall l / where there are also other premises / and the second entrance from the yard only for this premises. The premises have all the necessary installations: lighting and power, water supply and sewage, mechanical ventilation, central heating, telephone and alarm. Parking spaces for owners are located in the yard / entrance through the gate from the street /, and there is a large parking lot in front of the premises on the street. The advertisement can be placed on the building / there is a place / or in the arcade windows. The rent for the premises paid to the cooperative is approx. 2000, – / month gross, including heating, cleaning, etc. …. We are looking for an investor with an idea for business. VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICE !!!!

Price m²
2 536,23
Administrative rent
2000 PLN
Ownership type
Cooperative ownership right
Total area
138 m²
Price m²
No. of rooms
Number of floors
Building type
Apartment/Retail building
Building condition
Ground ownership type
Driveway type
Commercial space type
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