
Commercial object for rent 500 m²

CIE22110 10159337
12 500 PLN
Price m²: 25,00 PLN

The offer of sale is land with an area of ​​6719 m2 located in the Good built facility consisting of two functional parts. One hall is finished with an area of ​​1 100 m2 of office and reception areas with an area of ​​approximately 345 m2 and the second hall of 1200 m2 of office space with an area of ​​70 m2 now able to finish (the owner may take to finish). In the halls of masonry walls with concrete blocks, roof covered with trapezoidal panels, PVC windows. The amount of storage in the halls is 5.10 m, gate width is 3.80 m and height 3.70 m The power allocation is 80 kW and can be increased. As part of the finished object on the ground floor hall, office space, bathroom with toilet, kitchen, go to the social hall with rooms on the first floor are three rooms in this one can be used as a conference room, bathroom and toilet warmed by the fireplace with a water jacket to pellets. In part to finish, there are two offices, kitchen, bathroom and hall, all rooms are situated on the ground floor. The owner also provides the opportunity to sell only part of the trim for the amount of 1 324 000 PLN.

Price m²
Ownership type
Total area
500 m²
Price m²
Building type
Storage/Office building
Building condition
Very good
Lot area
6719 m²
Driveway type
Country road
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