
Land for sale 6000 m²

KOM22976 10158959
390 000 PLN
Price m²: 65,00 PLN

The plot is located in the Municipality Sławoszewie Good lying on the hills and the forest Szczecin Wkrzańska, which is a paradise for mushroom pickers, and a great place for hiking and biking because of the number of routes run close to the village. Reach the bristles are just 15 minutes away because the land is only 8 km from the city. At a distance of 5 km from the property there is a bird sanctuary Swidwie wetland area covering 890 hectares of unique on a European scale. In addition, proximity to lakes are excellent facilities for tourism recreation. A perfect example would be the neighboring town Bartoszewo, which lies on Lake Bartoszewo away from the described property just 2 km, which is a great use of its location for the purpose of fishing and pleasure. Plot near newly built single-family homes with beautiful views of the surrounding meadows and forests. Currently, the development of effective study of this area, which provides the area buildings-houses 2 floors with a height of up to 7.5 m. Good as the municipality itself is rapidly Sławoszewo extended by a number of private investors and developers. Offer applies to people who value peace, quiet, close to nature and the beautiful surroundings. The offer is attractive for developers and people interested in locating money for investment purposes. RECOMMENDED BY AN UNBEATABLE PRICE, ALSO A LAND AREA OF PROXIMITY.

Price m²
Price m²
Lot area
6000 m²
Lot destination
Lot shape
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