
Land for sale 10637 m²

INW21128 10229140
230 000 PLN
Price m²: 21,62 PLN

Undeveloped land property located in Czarnowo, gm. Kozielice, pow. pyrzycki an area of ​​1.0637 ha (RIIIb-2120 M2, RIVa-2198m2, RV-3511 m2 m2 PsIII-1983, N-825 m2.) Czarnowo town situated on the route Szczecin Parnica-Pyrzyce (Route S3), a few kilometers from m . Parnica. The site is located in close proximity to J. Black (about 3 minutes drive, where is the beach), and directly to the wood (forest borders the line). Nearby is another, smaller lake-Channel Black. Accessible from a road asphalt. The plot is a large pond about 70 m2, stocked with many species of fish. The land on which the plot is zoning plan (Uh IX/53/2007 of 10/23/07)-area single-family housing with free-standing or detached garage built-2mn. 10% of the area of ​​the building plot area, building height 7.5-9 m.dach inclined-42-45 degrees in close proximity to the plot is a single-family residential development. water supply and electricity, telephone in drodze.W this year plans to build a sewage system. Very charming place, silence, tranquility, beautiful oak-beech and spruce forest in the plot, and to the lake 3 minutes. Price is negotiable.

Price m²
Price m²
Ground ownership type
Lot area
10637 m²
Lot destination
Residential building
Lot shape
Driveway type
Water intake
Sewerage type
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