
Land for sale 4258 m²

Jezierzyce, Zachodniopomorskie
AWY20797 10237084
640 000 PLN
Price m²: 150,31 PLN

For sale undeveloped real estate, consisting of two plots with a total area of 4258 m2 (2258 + 2000), located on the main street in Jezierzyce, between existing single-family houses. There is no current local plan for the area; the area is covered by the study of conditions and directions of spatial development of the city of Szczecin 2022 (Płonia – Śmierdnica – Jezierzyce), with a dominant function – single-family residential development. Soil quality class: RV, RIVb, ŁIV. Available utilities: in Topolowa Street – electricity, water, gas, sewage. Very good location of the property, between two developed, built-up houses, large plots. Single-family, residential development around; there are no more vacant plots. Currently, there are trees on the plots – self-seeded, which can be left in part; in part under the planned building – to be cut down. I invite you to view in the field.

Price m²
Price m²
Ground ownership type
Lot area
4258 m²
Lot destination
Residential building
Lot shape
Driveway type
Water intake
Urban in way
Sewerage type
Urban in way
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