
Land for sale 1100 m²

PTR25626 10221366
50 000 PLN
Price m²: 45,45 PLN

Plot of land with an area of 1100 m2 located in the town of Gozdowice . The village is located in the Cedyński Landscape Park and its part of the Mieszkowice Forests. At its foot flows the Odra River. Charming views of the surrounding fields and meadows. Ecologically clean area. In the village there is a ferry crossing to the German side. Undeveloped property surrounded by trees and shrubs. In the vicinity of the Saper Monument. Access by asphalt road. Slightly undulating terrain – slope. Intended use of the land – cultural zone, the surroundings of the monument to be maintained. Electricity available 100 meters away. The price of the plot is PLN 50,000.00, negotiable .

Price m²
Price m²
Ground ownership type
Lot area
1100 m²
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