
Land for sale 801 m²

Nowe Warpno
PTR25379 10223787
160 000 PLN
Price m²: 199,75 PLN

Very nice building plot with an area of 801 m2 located in a charming place which is Nowe Warpno . Nowe Warpno is located on the extremely attractive landscape of the Nowowarpieńskie peninsula separating Lake Nowowarpieńskie from Nowowarpieńska Bay, which is part of the Szczecin Lagoon . The property is located approximately 400 m from the market square, has access to a public road. It is adjacent to the street leading to the city center. The following media are located in this street: power, sewage and water supply networks . In the no longer applicable local spatial development plan, the plot was intended for multi-family housing with the possibility of using the ground floor of the building for commercial activities. The latest markings on geodetic maps indicate that the plot is located in a complex of plots with a recreational and leisure function. However, the commune, based on an oral statement, assured that it would issue a decision on the conditions of development and land management that would allow for the construction of both a single-family residential building and a recreational building. The area is exceptionally clean and quiet. The town is surrounded by lake waters on three sides. It takes only 150 meters to find yourself on its shore. The distance to the lake is about 150 m . Very attractive price – PLN 160,000.00 .

Price m²
Price m²
Lot area
801 m²
Lot destination
Residential building
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