
Land for sale 4.02 m²

CIE24414 10169524
3 500 000 PLN
Price m²: 87,06 PLN

A gravel pit with an area of 4.02 ha for sale. The property is located in Prusinowo – a few kilometers north of Łobez, in the immediate vicinity of the Szczecin-Gdańsk railway line (Worowo station – about 800m). Legal status: ownership. In KW it is recorded as a farm without buildings. The described real estate is not encumbered by any rights of third parties. Documents in possession: Design for the development of a natural aggregate deposit with the determination of industrial resources for a part of the plot with an area of 2.48 ha – this part is excluded from agricultural use (the remaining part of the plot also has deposits of natural aggregate). Concession to be renewed. Type of mineral: natural aggregate (sand point pp 79.7%) – average content in %: dust fraction 2.5-4.3%, sand fraction 75-84.5%, gravel fraction 15.5-25%. Sands with an admixture of gravel, grain size index U=5 – 15, seam with an average thickness of 12 m – dry bed, overburden with an average thickness of 2.3 m – removed. Documented part of the deposit – balance geological resources of 830 thousand. tone. Feel free to contact me.

Price m²
Price m²
Ground ownership type
Lot area
4.02 m²
Lot destination
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