
Land for sale 6000 m²

Gumieńce, Zachodniopomorskie
FKT24365 10225555
6 000 000 PLN
Price m²: 1 000,00 PLN

For sale a commercial plot of approx. 6000 m2 located in Gumieńce in the vicinity of operating companies from various industries. The plot area is unpaved. Access to all utilities (electricity, water, sewage, gas). Access by asphalt road. Access to public transport. A Spatial Development Plan has been adopted for the area. Destination of the area: service and production development. The principles of building development and land development: 1) buildings located on the basis of impassable building lines set out in the plan drawing; 2) impassable building line at a distance of 10.0 m from the road boundary line 3) maximum building area – 50% of the plot area; 4) minimum biologically active area – 20% of the plot area; 5) maximum building height – up to six above-ground storeys, maximum 25.0 m; 6) maximum height – 60.0 m for installation devices and technical and advertising elements (unless they have the form of an attic), such as antennas, lightning arrester masts, chimneys, roof superstructures (e.g. crane engine rooms, centers 7) for newly built buildings, the uniform character of the external design should be maintained in terms of elements of the architectural composition of the façade, selection of materials; 8) flat roofs of the main bodies of buildings with the possibility of hiding the roof slopes behind the attic walls; 9) a fragment of the area covered by the conservation protection zone of archaeological monuments – arrangements are in force: Arrangements in the field of protection of the cultural environment. In the area covered by the plan, there are archaeological sites covered by the conservation protection zone of archaeological monuments, consisting in conducting intervention archaeological research in the event of undertaking earthworks; the zone includes sites included in the records of the conservation service, within which the following applies: a) cooperation in the field of investment plans and other related to earthworks with the appropriate authority for the protection of monuments, b) conducting archaeological rescue research in the area covered by earthworks, on the principles specified by special regulations. Requirements for the shaping of public spaces: 1) maximum height of the fence from the side of the road – 2.0 m;

Price m²
1 000,00
Price m²
Ground ownership type
Lot area
6000 m²
Lot destination
Lot shape
Driveway type
Sewerage type
Urban in way
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