
Land for sale 1264 m²

FKT24361 10164318
240 000 PLN
Price m²: 189,87 PLN

Dobra Szczecińska near Graniczna Street, closer to Dobra Commune Office than Mierzyna, building plot 1264 m2. Rectangle. Impassable building line 7 m from the road border. Utilities: water and sewage system on the plot, gas on the way to the plot, electricity ZK on the plot. Garden exhibition from the south. Flat terrain. Directly above the plot there are no electric wires above it. A DWZ was issued for the neighboring plot. Maximum building area – 17%, counting without carports, width of the front elevation 11 m to 18 m, gable or multi-slope roof with an angle of inclination of 30 – 45 degrees. Height to the ridge 6 to 8.5 m from the ground level, minimum biologically active area 50%, implementation of a minimum of two parking spaces for each residential unit. Water on the plot (water meter), sanitary sewage system, rainwater – soaking well or retention tank, ZK on the plot and gas on the access road. Geological surveys performed. Favorable geotechnical conditions. Over the plot in the corner medium voltage poles. RIV usage. Access to a public road is provided by an easement on the access road. Access to the plot by asphalt road and about 100 m by gravel road. I recommend it because of the location, the ability to quickly start construction.

Price m²
Price m²
Ground ownership type
Lot area
1264 m²
Lot destination
Residential building
Lot shape
Driveway type
Water intake
Urban on a plot
Sewerage type
Urban on a plot
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