
Land for sale 11100 m²

Siadło Górne
CIE02777 10235851
1 110 000 PLN
Price m²: 100,00 PLN

Very nicely located agricultural land in the upper Siadło. A small village with well preserved ulicówki system, located in Western Pomerania, in the district of Police, in the municipality Kołbaskowo, about 5 km south of Szczecin. Plot on a gentle slope with paved access road leading to the site. The plot is fenced, there is a possibility to connect to the media (the current plot, and water and sewer around 100m from the plot). Very good and beautiful location, access to the center takes about 15 minutes. The possibility of development. Offer worthy of recommending to investors and individual clients (possibility of three plots of land with access road). I recommend and invite you to a presentation!

Price m²
Price m²
Lot area
11100 m²
Lot destination
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