
Land for rent 2000 m²

FKT24337 10229923
7 000 PLN
Price m²: 3,50 PLN

Plot of 2000 m2 in the emerging complex of halls and high-storage service, production and logistics investments. The rental price is PLN 3.5 net plus VAT per 1 m2. A great investment for distribution and production companies with a need for high-storage halls, production halls, assembly plants and warehouses with simultaneous access to public transport for employees employed in these investments. The area also has access to a railway ramp and a motorway exit a few kilometers away. It is also possible to erect a hall according to the tenant's wishes and rent it with a long-term lease, e.g. for 15 years. The Local Spatial Development Plan is valid in this area. Land use; production facilities, depots, warehouses, service facilities, transport bases. Services allowed include: logistics, transport, maintenance, telecommunications, administration, social activities accompanying the main function of the area, retail and wholesale trade, crafts, it is allowed to locate commercial facilities with a sales area of less than 2000 m2. Maximum building height 12 m. Buildings covered with roofs of any geometry, max. development of the plot from 50% to 65%. Possibility to use electricity from two transformer stations. A water supply system and sanitary sewage system with a pumping station were built in this area, there is a new access street with a bicycle path. Adjoining plots can be purchased if more land is needed. Geological studies were carried out, according to which the groundwater is 1.60 m below ground level. The stabilized groundwater level is at a depth of 3.3 m (+ 1 m). Because a construction embankment with very high load-bearing parameters, 1 m high, was brought to this area, the groundwater level is practically at a depth of 2.60 m. There are fine sands with very good strength coefficients up to a depth of 30 m. .

Price m²
Price m²
Ground ownership type
Lot area
2000 m²
Lot destination
Lot shape
Driveway type
Water intake
Sewerage type
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