
Commercial space for sale 30 m²

Centrum, Zachodniopomorskie
HOR21527 10229830
115 000 PLN
Price m²: 3 833,33 PLN

2 stands for sale, with an area of 15 m2 each, a total of 30 m2, located at the Turzyn Market in Szczecin. It has been operating for over 20 years! In 2017, it underwent a general renovation and continues to operate. There are numerous unique stands at the Market Square with a diverse offer and sales topics. Here you will find vegetables, fruits, women's and men's clothing, German chemicals, fresh meats and fish, sweets, tobacco products, a currency exchange office, restaurants and a pub, and much more. Net price + 23% VAT. In terms of additional fees, the annual lease of 30 m2 of land (2 positions) costs PLN 1,840 net. We invite you!

Price m²
3 833,33
Ownership type
Total area
30 m²
Price m²
No. of rooms
Number of floors
Building type
Building condition
Very good
Ground ownership type
Driveway type
Commercial space type
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