
Land for sale 1167700 m²

Kamień Pomorski
MAR22178 10223445
7 600 000 PLN
Price m²: 6,51 PLN

Four agricultural plots for sale with a total area of 110.75 hectares and valuation class, mostly IIIa/IIIb, with a small share of IVa. Land with good access, in constant use. Additionally, the farm leases land with an area of approximately 200 ha located in the vicinity. Plot – 15.9036ha (R. IIIa, IIIb) Plot – 17.79ha (R. IIIa, IVa) Plot – 28.4472ha (R. IIIa, IIIb) Plot – 48.6129ha (R. IIIa, IVa) [according to KW Built-up agricultural land (two barns)] 1. ~550m2 2. ~395m2 Additionally, a plot of land with a plot area of 4.7 ha and buildings with a total area of approx. building area 4670 m2. Plot with very good asphalt access, surrounded by fields. An ideal place to create a base for trucks/buses, a warehouse for goods or, in accordance with its original purpose, an animal farm. The offered area includes the following buildings: 1. Outbuilding 2. Workshop building (~380m2 32m x 12m) 3. Social building 4. Office 5. 3 barns ([~700m2 13m x 53m], [~1000m2 12m x 83m] , [~850m2 16m x 53m] ) 6. 2 shelters (2x 50m x 16m) 7. Space for a gas station 8. Emergency power generator room 9. Green areas – pastures Buildings in good condition, made of red brick – require refreshing. For sale an area of 1.34 ha with a concrete square and farm buildings with a total development area of approximately 1,600 m2. Perfect area for storage, a base for trucks/buses or, as originally intended, for a grain dryer. The offered area includes a scale, two grain silos, grain drying facilities with a winnowing room (equipment for preliminary cleaning of grain before drying) and additional farm buildings. The area is fenced, with asphalt access, close to the provincial road. 1. Garage building, 6 spaces, total: 20m x 5.40m 2. Drying room building with facilities: 2x 50m x 15m 3. Additional small buildings and a shelter for the wind turbine. The buildings require repainting, but the condition itself is very good. Red brick buildings.

Price m²
Price m²
Ground ownership type
Lot area
1167700 m²
Lot destination
Lot shape
Driveway type
Water intake
Sewerage type
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