
Land for sale 7929 m²

ATL02020 10177722
1 347 930 PLN
Price m²: 170,00 PLN

Two building plots for sale with a total area of 7929 m2 located in Trzeszczyn 4 km and 4 minutes by car from the center of Police. The area is located at ul. Kuźnicka. It can provide housing facilities for the employees of the newly established polymer and chemical plant. Taking into account the fact that there are practically no construction areas in Police, it is a really tasty morsel for developers. The plots are fully covered by the Local Development Plan. They are adjacent to an area of 9 ha, which is entirely intended for single-family housing, where works related to the construction of internal roads and utilities are currently underway. Therefore, there is no fear that some factories, halls or company headquarters will be built there in the future. In the near future, the entire area will be a beautiful estate of single-family houses. Utilities (water, sanitary sewage, electricity and gas) are available at ul. Kuźnicka. VAT should be added to the given price. Below is an excerpt from the Local Development Plan. 1) single-family housing area with the admission of a service function. 2) in a residential building, non-burdensome services are allowed in the form of premises with an area of not more than 50% of the total area of the building 3) it is allowed to designate the plot entirely for residential development without services 4) it is allowed to build free-standing service buildings with a built-up area not exceeding 200 m2 , however, under the condition of earlier construction of a residential building 5) height of buildings: – residential and residential and service buildings – up to 9.5 m – service buildings – up to 6 m – outbuildings, detached garages – up to 5.5 m residential and residential and service buildings – double or hipped roofs with the inclination of the main roofs 25 to 45 degrees – for farm buildings, detached garages – double or hipped roofs with the inclination of the main roofs 20 to 45 degrees – for service buildings – double or hipped roofs with the inclination angle of the main roof slopes from 20 to 45 degrees opni, flat roof is allowed 7) min. biologically active area – 50%

Price m²
Price m²
Ground ownership type
Lot area
7929 m²
Lot destination
Residential building
Lot shape
Driveway type
Water intake
Urban in way
Sewerage type
Urban in way
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