Plot with issued development conditions in Bielkowo (near Kobylanka). The offer for sale is an undeveloped land property located in Bielkowo, Kobylanka commune, with an area of 862 m2. The sold area is not covered by the local development plan, but in March 2022, development conditions were issued for the construction of a single-family building with the necessary technical infrastructure. Building area up to 15% of the plot area, maximum building height – 8.5 m from the ground level to the ridge, symmetrical, gable roof with an angle of inclination of the main slopes from 40 to 45 degrees. The plot is located in an area built up with single-family houses, currently accessible is carried out by dirt road. Communication services from the public road take place via the internal road (the price includes shares on the internal road) and the technical infrastructure is provided under the connection conditions of the operators: electricity, water, sewage and gas. Great location (Bielkowo is located close to the western shore of Lake Miedwie), good value for money (development decision issued) are the main advantages of the offered property. We invite you to the presentation 🙂