
Land for sale 47900 m²

CIE02741 10159265
300 000 PLN
Price m²: 6,26 PLN

RV Agricultural land in the village of an agricultural-residential. Property 4h area 79a, shaping land as flat. In the center of the village is a neo-Gothic church of stone and brick, with a wooden top. There has been a large increase in new homes, especially in the northern part of the village, near the forest. In the center of the village there is a pond and a playground, and in the southern part of the largest mine in the municipality of gravel and sand with very deep excavation (on the road leading to the forest estates-Bridges). To the east of the village, close Osiny, there is a small colony. The village has road connections to Aspen and the National Road No. 6 (distant about 3 miles). The surrounding forests are areas attractive for hikers and cyclists, the bicycle trail rickets Nowogardzka Plain. I recommend and invite you to a presentation!

Price m²
Price m²
Lot area
47900 m²
Lot destination
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