
Land for sale 19700 m²

ATL02278 10159946
3 546 000 PLN
Price m²: 180,00 PLN

A 2 hectare plot of land for sale. The plot is located in Ustowo, almost at the back of the Auchan Shopping Centre. Please pay attention to the location of the area in the attached graphic. It is directly adjacent to the new asphalt road connecting the ring road of Przecław and Warzymice with Ustów and Kurów. The excellent communication location of the plot is conducive to locating any type of business here. The area is not covered by the MPZP. We provide assistance in obtaining the building conditions desired by the buyer. The plot is perfect for a small shopping center, warehouse, logistics and any other activity that requires access to the highway and local road network. At the same time, access from this place to the center of Szczecin takes about 10 minutes. It takes the same amount of time to get to the border crossing in Kołbaskowo. In the vicinity of large housing estates of both multi-family and single-family houses. And most importantly, the plot is at a great price. We also allow the possibility of buying part of the plot. Feel free to contact me.

Price m²
Price m²
Ground ownership type
Lot area
19700 m²
Lot destination
Lot shape
Driveway type
Water intake
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